Marissa Upshaw
“All that and a giant moose”
Given the prompt community, I wanted to create a representation of how I feel when I'm part of a healthy community. To me, community is an acceptance and love for those around me, both human and non human kinfolk. In this piece I've created a community of forest animals that are helping each other take shelter from the rain. I am fascinated by the idea of symbiosis, or two creatures that help each other in a positive cycle and this is my ode to a healthy, symbiotic, caring community.
Kevin Le
“Interconnectedness Through Invisible Hands”
The painting portrays a representation of everyone in a community that works together to build a healthier environment. Different colours, shapes and sizes depicts a world full of inclusion, diversity, and acceptance.
Dasha Kamalova
“i love you (and also strawberries) “
Human and non-human community members gather around from the four directions, sharing a meal and an understanding.
A celebration of love and purpose; cake, cake, berries, and meaning beyond one's work.
I work hard. It's okay to be career-oriented. But it serves me well to remember that There's More Than Work.
But there is also time spent being. There is symbiosis, and beauty, and knowledge, and sustenance, and always so much more in community. There is relaxation and joy, and the kind of responsibility that reminds you that you are free.
Bo Kelly
“Community Creatures”
I firmly believe that as humans, we would never have survived for as long as we did without a deeply ingrained sense of community. This instinct for connection has culminated in those I see around me in their caring nature, patience, gentle boundaries, and deep love for serving others. We all have the capacity for community, and we all have the capacity for care. In this piece, my aim was to capture the feeling that we’re all made of the same creation no matter what we believe and that we’re all together in space singing, dancing, and making art, as we always have been and always will be. This commonality connects all who have lived and all who will. This is our community.
Medāneghā́ʼ Detʼele
“Safety School”
Neon tetras are a schooling fish, which means that they are stressed out if they don't have a community. Here the tetras are found in an aquarium and not in the Native place in the wild. Just like displaced people and people facing hardships these fish are finding their peace within their community in a space that still gives them the nourishment and space need. Playing and hiding from scary things in their life and always returning to their community when facing tough situations. I hope like these fish, you are a part of communities that care and support you.
“Community Heatmap”
This piece is meant to display how closeness with others brings a warmth to one's life, washing away the chill of solitude. Acrylic on Canvas.
Marisa Law
“How Does it Feel to be Supported”
To feel supported is to feel the warm radiance of possibilities. It is to feel your roots spreading after being graced with fertile soil...your branches reaching for the sun, your buds finally blooming again in the embrace of the sunshine. Every notch and burl in your trunk and yet, still you grow
taller and stronger. It is that first breath of morning air after a darkened, cold night. You are filled with faith again.
Deryana Dhuzent
This artwork is a lively celebration of culture and community. It symbolizes my deep connection to my cultural heritage, my inner spirituality, and the importance of being part of a community. The feathers falling in the painting represent my journey of self-discovery and personal growth, like a spiritual flight into myself. The mirrors on the wings of the artwork symbolize the past and the future. The largest mirror in the center represents the present. This painting highlights the significance of living in the moment, reflecting on our past choices and actions, and looking ahead to the future, all while always staying true to ourselves when we gaze into the mirror of the present.
This artwork is a vibrant celebration of culture and community, engaging a conversation with the first piece in the "Community-Minded" series, named "Sigil”, which embodies the idea of a safe community that encourages healing, personal growth, and the discovery of one's place within it. In this dialogue, my artistic exploration reflects my journey of self-discovery and self-understanding, seeking my roots, and finding my place in this foreign country. In this conversation, my art shows my journey of arriving, looking for my roots, and finding where I fit in. It’s like a puzzle between the duality of where I come from and where I’m going.